Typical tract home kitchen was no fit for these worldly souls who had lived for many years in Asia and Africa. Welcoming frequent guests and family and enjoying their antique treasures required an open plan and a clean modern slate: The inconspicuous cooktop venting system is accommodated by the LED lit cloud shaped like the island, Surf Green granite, Hazelnut cabinets, and glowing glass tile backsplash elegantly complete the new space.
New — & Old
Typical tract home kitchen was no fit for these worldly souls who had lived for many years in Asia and Africa. Welcoming frequent guests and family and enjoying their antique treasures required an open plan and a clean modern slate: The inconspicuous cooktop venting system is accommodated by the LED lit cloud shaped like the island, Surf Green granite, Hazelnut cabinets, and glowing glass tile backsplash elegantly complete the new space.